This week's short is a possible attempt at the romance genre. I really struggled with making some sort of "and they lived happily ever after" ending but I think there's hope there, which sort of works. During the writing I kept going back to my old school style of dark and twisted, which I find hard to implement into romance. I should try to write a completely cheery and happy romance story but I fear I'll just end up laughing at it.
As far as the writing goes I really let the characters tell their own story and the plot really evolved on the spot through their thoughts, which was great. I'd love to follow this up with more stories about Jeff and Deb.
As far as music goes for the week, try this Mountain Goats song. John Darnielle is a master lyricist, I've seen them live twice and can assure you they are incredible.
Jeff and Deb
By Tim Harvey
Deb noticed how heavy her shoulders felt all of a sudden as she stood in the living room doorway watching her boyfriend lounging on the couch. Jeff's limbs stretched out at all angles, one leg resting on the couch, another hanging off the side. One of his arms folded behind his head and the other resting on his lap. The hand of the arm folded behind his head limply clung to the television remote control.
He looks like a boy, Deb thought. Oh God, he is just a boy. She inhaled deeply at the sudden realisation that her life was not as it had seemed a few minutes ago. Some ideas cannot be un-thought, she decided. Releasing the air from her lungs was surprisingly difficult and she felt her throat closing up, making her breath come out in chopped up gusts.
Jeff's head turned slightly, his eyes still determined to hold their focus on the TV. He glanced over his shoulder, away from the screen, for a split-second, to see Deb standing in the doorway, a shopping bag in either hand, her handbag hanging heavily from her shoulder.
“Hey Deb, didn't hear you come in,” he mumbled before inhaling deeply and rearranging himself on the couch. This basically involved rolling his torso out of the deep groove he had created and switching the positions of his arms, the remote hand now resting on his lap, his eyes again fixed to the screen.
Deb felt her eyes begin to itch. She rested the bags on the ground near the door and struggled to lift her handbag over her shoulder. Delicately she bent down and rested it on the floor near the two shopping bags that contained the week's groceries. She paused for a moment, to take another breath. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, still leaning over her handbag, she felt a warm tear dribble down her cheek.
It's my fault, she thought. Dammit, you stupid-- Just, dammit. She looked over to Jeff, the back of his head now at her level. Her chest and throat felt like they were being slowly constricted. She felt a sudden urge to grab her handbag and run out of the living room, out of the front door of their rented unit and out into the street. She wanted more than ever to run, to get away from Jeff, to get away from herself.
Damn you Deb, she thought. You started this, you got him into this. That poor boy, she thought as she looked at his ashen blonde hair. Her hand instinctively reached out, but held back from stroking his head. You stupid bitch, she thought to herself. I hate you!
Tears flowed from her eyes as she sat down on the ground, drawing her knees up to her face and wrapping her arms around her legs.
“What? Deb!” Jeff scrambled off of the couch, dropping the remote and slipping on the bottoms of his grey track-pants, the waist band of which had worked its way down around his behind. Not bothering to compose himself any more than to pull his pants up to a reasonable position, Jeff dived down next to Deb, almost bowling her over.
“Deb, what's wrong?”
She sniffed and wiped her nose; “I'm sorry-- Jeff,” she choked out the words.
“Deb, what?” Jeff edged closer to her, trying to goad her into raising her head.
She felt the need to look at him and lifted her eyes slowly, brushing her hair behind her ears. Jeff's green eyes hit her square in the chest. He was scared, she knew he was scared. Scared for her, Deb thought. Oh you stupid boy, you poor boy! You should be scared for you, what have I done?
“I'm so sorry... Please Jeff, know that I'm sorry.”
“What is it, Deb? Tell me! Please!” Jeff's face twisted with confusion and fear.
She's killed someone, he thought. She's run over a kid on her way home! Deb's going to go to prison, for life. No, wait, she didn't drive. She's cheating on me? What did I do? No, nothing, she would have said something, right? No, she's... she's sick! She's got cancer! Oh Jesus, she's going to die. She's going to die tomorrow! I've only got twenty-four hours left with Deb, Oh God! That can't be right.
Deb sniffed and wiped her eyes. Time to face up to what you did, she told herself. He's going to know you did it and he's going to hate you! You deserve it anyway, and he's going to leave you forever. Why did you do it, Deb? Why did you do this to him, this beautiful boy, this poor boy. He is going to hate you, and he's only seventeen! You stupid-- You should have known better than to get so involved with someone who was still in highschool! You're twenty-four, Deb! What were you doing!
“I'm pregnant Jeff.”
Jeff's features went blank, his tanned skin went pale and he moved slightly away from her.
See, Deb thought, you've killed him! Can't you see it, look at his eyes! You've destroyed his life, he's dead now. He's going to die now... No, he's going to kill you! You deserve it too. Deb... Why did you stop taking the pill? Why did you do that, Deb? What was the plan, Deb? Why do you hate Jeff?
I don't hate Jeff! Her thoughts burst through the cloud of vicious negativity floating within her mind. I love him! Oh God, I was scared, okay? I was scared he would leave me! Are you happy? Are you happy now? I'm not perfect, but you don't have to be such a bitch about it!
“Pregnant?” Jeff mumbled, almost to himself. His lips and tongue fumbling with the word, trying it out. It was new and it scared him. How did this happen? Jeff thought Deb was on the pill. She must have forgotten, Jeff thought. That's the only way, she must-- Oh God!
Jeff sprung to life and raised his arms reaching out towards Deb.
Here it comes, bitch, Deb's mind vomited malicious and destructive thoughts as Jeff came closer.
Breathing deeply, Jeff wrapped his arms around Deb's shoulders and held her tightly. His face resting against her shoulder. She must be killing herself inside, for forgetting, Jeff thought. He did his best to comfort her, he didn't know what else to do, so he held her.
Deb's body went limp and she curled into Jeff's embrace. Slowly she began to cry, moaning loudly between bouts of quiet sobbing.
“Don't worry, please don't cry,” Jeff begged, his eyes closed, holding back his own tears.
“I'm-- so... sorry!” Deb moaned.
“Don't be, please, don't be sorry. We'll work this out.” Jeff held Deb's shoulders and moved his head away from hers to get a good look at her face. He smiled as best as he could and wiped a tear from her cheek, “we'll get through this.”
Jeff sat on his knees before her, holding her shoulders in his strong hands. She cried again and fell into his chest. He's not a boy, she thought. She curled into his embrace and he held her tighter.
I hope he can forgive me, she thought. She had changed both their lives forever now, and she cried harder.
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